Local SEO Services
Local Search Engine Optimization and Business listings Services
Local Search Engine Optimization Profiles
Did you know 63% of consumers and small business owners use the Internet to find information about local companies and 82% use search engines. (Web visible & Nielsen)
Many local businesses have not set up their local search engine profiles, or they don’t understand how to properly claim, verify and optimize their local business listings. At Denali & Associates, we understand you’re busy running your business and our seasoned professional are here to help. We know Local SEO and specialize in professional SEO services.
Request a Free Strategy Session
Denali & Associates can help set up and manage your local search profiles. We provide a Software to get your local business listed in 60+ various directories, so your customers can find you. And our software only requires one login to manage all of the listing at a click of the button. At a minimum you need to be listed in Google My Business, Bing and Yahoo Business listings.
We’ll do all of the heavy lifting and help you claim your profile with the major search engines and others
- Analyze what listings your business should be in and provide you with that data and explanation.
- Competitive analysis.
- Load your information, profile, pictures. Etc.
- Manage the listing and provide periodical updates.
- Engage in reviews from your customers.
If you’re not in the Google My Business local listing category of A-G (page one). Don’t worry, we’ll optimize and manage your listings on your behalf to help your local customers find your business online.
Our team has the expertise you need to take advantage of Local SEO so that clients find you at the top!